Large whale with a large cavity in the head containing spermaceti and oil; also a source of ambergris.
A toothed whale measuring up to 20 meters long and having a very large head which is typically one-third of the animal's length.
Nenhum exemplo disponível para qualquer um dos sinônimos
1Ambergris is a secretion formed in the intestines of the sperm whale.
2In length, the common sperm whale-line measures something over two hundred fathoms.
3This bone is thought to be the tooth of the sperm whale.
4Ambergris, highly prized in perfumery, is a product of the sperm whale.
5A sperm whale frequently yields as much as 120 barrels of oil.
6The ocean of ancient Italy had its own killer sperm whale, too.
7He found moa eggs, necklaces, a sperm whale tooth and human remains.
8For short periods, sperm whale groups also socialise with other families.
9The carcass of a sperm whale washed up on the beach this morning.
10From this crushing blow the American sperm whale fishery has never fully recovered.
11He said he had found it inside the stomach of a sperm whale.
12Inside the belly of the juvenile sperm whale was nearly 30kg of plastic.
13She was heaving in her sleep like a beached sperm whale.
14It's the first time that sperm whale vocalizations have been linked to specific individuals.
15The sperm whale is a 'toothed' whale and feeds on squid and other fish.
16Could you describe the technical way the sperm whale communicates?
Translations for sperm whale